UX Designer



Posts tagged Accessible Design
World Usability Day 2018: Design for Good

November 8, 2018 marked World Usability Day 2018. The theme for this year was Design for Good or Evil. Every design can have a good or bad impact, which can greatly affect people’s daily lives. Some of the recent advancements in technology has empowered and transformed the lives of people with disabilities. Here are some of the technologies that are examples of “Design for Good”.

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Elevating an Elevator's Design

How many times have you walked into an elevator and it took you a couple of seconds to understand the buttons and make a selection to get to the floor you want to? Or perhaps, maybe you never realized that the design was inconsistent or was bad? Hence, here are some real-world examples of poorly designed interaction between elevators and the users, that I have collected from my day-to-day experiences and my suggestions for their improvement.

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Creating Color Universal Designs

Think of a creating color universal design as a challenge? It is NOT! In fact, it is a forgotten step in the design process which goes ignored. When we take accessibility into account during the design process, it is not a missed out step and is actually the one piece which completes it.

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